… showcases three roasters from Durham, NC, Seattle, WA and Dallas, TX. Each of the beans in this month’s box are sourced from a country not yet featured by Pour Ta Coffee: Mexico, Myanmar and Vietnam. The box includes coffee from Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters who were 2018 and 2022 Good Food Awards winners, Little Waves Coffee who won the 2022 Roast Magazine ‘Microroaster of the Year’ and the Seattle coffee community staple Broadcast Coffee.
From the Roaster:
We are often asked how we came up with the name Noble Coyote. Ethical trade and sustainability are very important to us. In the coffee world, a "coyote" is a middleman who purchases coffee from farmers. In a commodity market, coyotes buy low and sell high, to the detriment of the farmers who grow the coffee. We try to purchase coffee from importers who not only compensate farmers fairly, but invest in those farmers in order to improve their lives.Marta and Kevin Sprague started Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters in 2011. From our humble beginnings at Good Local Markets farmers market, to the opening of our coffee lab in Expo Park, we strive to provide space for people to enjoy and explore coffee. We love hearing about our customers' coffee adventures. Our award winning Brew Better Coffee education series is all about making the home coffee experience enjoyable and accessible. Come see us at the Lab for a drink!
From the Roaster: Coffee in Vietnam has had a very recent, but robust relationship. Coffee is so deeply intertwined and staple in Vietnamese culture, though the crop wasn’t introduced until the French colonization in the mid 19th century and did not gain significant commercial traction until 1910. Today, Vietnam is the world’s second largest coffee producer in the world, and the world’s largest producer of Robusta beans. But Vietnam also grows a lot of arabica coffee cultivars, the Catimor varietal being one of them (a cross breed between the Timor and Caturra coffee bean, which is coffee leaf rust resistant and a hearty plant due to its robusta genetics).
This coffee was sourced through Mercon, an importer that invests in the communities they serve through sustainable production and technical assistance to producers in their LIFT program. Mercon operates several wet mills in the province of Da Lat where over 100 smallholder farms sell the red cherry straight from the tree to be washed and processed. We found this coffee to have a low to medium acidity, and a nice, big body.
Baker’s Chocolate, Burnt Sugar, Peppery, HerbalORIGIN
Đà Lạt, Vietnam
From the Roaster:
This coffee holds a special place in my heart. It is from the Grupo Terruño Nayarita in Nayarit, México, the state that my father is from. I first saw roasted coffee from the Nayarit region in 2014, on the shelves of Victrola Coffee in Seattle, WA. I got so overwhelmed with excitement about the fact that coffee grew in Nayarit - this was the first I knew about it.In 2015 when co-owner Leon and I went to visit family in Tepuzhuacan, Nayarit, we reached out to Jim Kosalos (founder of Cafés Sustentables de México and San Cristobal Coffee) to see if we could visit the farms where that first bag of coffee I saw was from. Jim graciously invited us to visit, and so Leon, my uncle, and I took the bus to Tepic and met up with Jim. He handed us the keys to a Volkswagon Bug and up the mountain we went.
He showed us around the washing station, the drying stations, and through the small towns where the coffee was grown. We were able to meet a lot of the producers and workers from those stations and got to hear their perspectives and needs in the value chain firsthand. It truly helped shape our approach to sourcing, one in which we consider the wide array of coffee grown in one farm, lot, or community and figure out a place for all of it while taking into account our own standards of quality.
We started roasting coffee in 2017, and I have been waiting to get my hands on this coffee ever since. This year is our third year having the privilege to purchase 20 bags of a naturally processed coffee from the group of women from this community in Nayarit and I am so excited to share it with our community. It feels so rooted and ancestral to be working with this coffee and I am forever grateful to Jim, Devorah, and their team, as well as the producers from Grupo Terruño Nayarita who allowed us into their space and opened up to us about the struggles of producing coffee and how we can support them.
From the Roaster:
The Kochere district is one of the woredas (districts) in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia. Kochere is a diverse woreda which is made up primarily by three ethnic groups, the Gedeo, the Oromo, and the Amhara, in order of population. The coffees produced in this area are consistently some of the most beautiful coffees grown in the world thanks to the unique combination of the local environment, coffee genetics, and processing methods. -
chocolate, macadamia, and raspberry in a creamy, full-bodied cupORIGIN
La Yerba, Nayarit, Mexico
From the Roaster:
Barry Faught hails from the expansive wheat fields and deep blue skies of Idaho. His father, Bill Bailey, was a radio DJ and local celebrity in Boise. After college, Barry ended up in the family business of broadcasting, but his yearning for independence and adventure eventually led him to the evergreen city of Seattle. The big city was full of great music, delicious food, inclusive communities, eco-friendly living, and so many coffee shops. Visiting cafes went from hobby to obsession.In 2008, Broadcast Coffee opened its first cafe on Yesler and 20th, named in honor of his dad’s lifelong passion for radio. The goal from the get-go was to spread love and acceptance through hospitality and delicious drinks. Our logo was created with a subtle nod to our values, our history, and the positive future we’re working to foster.
Broadcast sources boutique coffees from family farms & cooperatives. We purchase coffee equitably and value building relationships over profit, affording us rare and delicious options year round. We roast for balance and sweetness with a focus on consistency offering a dark roast, a few light roasts, and a lot of medium roasts. Like a great bar, there’s something for everyone.
From the Roaster:
Su Su Aung grew up in Ywangan, and got her start in coffee as a broker in the local market. She originally sold coffee to Chinese brokers at low prices, but she was interested in improving the quality of the coffee she bought, so she could pay growers more for cherry. In 2015, she participated in the Winrock/CQI project, and learned how to produce high quality naturals. Motivated by the potential of better coffee as a means to strengthening her community, Su Su Aung organized groups of women who were producing coffee, and shared her new knowledge with them. Out of this effort grew Su Su Aung’s milling and export company, Amayar – a name that means noble lady and is famed for wisdom.Besides providing excellent natural coffees to the market, Su Su Aung provides significant support to the women working with her company, giving loans to farmers who couldn’t get bank loans, and providing material support as needed. By 2018, Amayar had its own processing, milling operation and cupping lab, and had become a tremendous resource and source of pride for the Ywangan community. Su Su Aung prides herself on offering 10% of her profits to community efforts that include pre/post-natal training for young mothers, and food safety courses for families.
Due to military violence in Myanmar, the trade agreement between Myanmar and US was suspended last year. We were able to get a few bags through our importer, Atlas, and we are glad that we were able to support an amazing project like Amayar and women like Su Su Aung. Our hearts go out to these amazing farmers whose livelihoods have been disrupted and we hope that we will be able to support them again in the future.
Dark Chocolate, Red AppleORIGIN